Alternate Names: Scott Fold or Scottish Lop
Origin: Scotland
Weight: 6 to 12 pounds
Temperament: This is a very sweet-tempered and sociable cat who is very adaptable. This cat is great with children and other pets. This cat has a medium activity level.
Special Features: Ears are laid back against the head due to a bone mutation.
Description: The Scottish Fold has a very rounded appearance. Medium sized, round head with a short neck, and large eyes. Some of the breed's ears merely bend forward while others are completely folded and laid back. They also has a long fluffy tail. The eye color should complement the coat.

History: The first Scottish Fold was born in a town 13 miles from the Scottish city of Perth. The first Fold was a white female, named Susie, who was born to a normal litter of kittens. It's quite certain that the mutation was a spontaneous natural one. In 1963 she gave birth to four kittens two of them had the folded ears like their mother. William Ross and his wife Mary, who were interested in cat breeding were able to take one of the kittens who was white like his mom, whom they named Snooks. One of Snooks's desendants, Snowdrift, was given to Pat Turner who was a professional breeder in London by the Ross Family. When British officials declined to accept the breed because of its mutation several were sent to the U.S. and the breed has strived ever since.

Question of the Day!
What do you think about the Scottish Fold, would this cat fit in to your houshold well?
Cat Fancy February 2012 Edition
Cats by: Catherine Davidson
A Pocket Guide to Cats by: Emily Williams
The CFA Complete Cat Book by: CFA and its Asociates
Picture Sources:
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