Hello guys! It has been forever since I lasted posted, but school keeps me so busy that I don't have any free time. Plus I have been working costumes for the school play, and today was the last show, so I am glad I got that over with! Now it is Thanksgiving break for me and I am super excited! I have extra time to write to you and I can post funny tips and ideas for you and your cats on Thanksgiving!Today I did some cat origami for you! I got the instructions on how to make this here:
http://www.origami-instructions.com/origami-cat.html If you have any questions about your cat origami or are interested in origami click th link above.

First off you need two pieces of standard sized oragami paper ( 6 by 6).

Then you fold the first piece in half.

Then you unfold it.

Then you take the tip and fold it to the center crease.

Then you fold that piece like so...

Then you take the one edge and fold it..

Then you leave it in folded position.

You do the same for the other side, after you complete that you get a diamond.

Then you fold the two sides over.

Then you fold the tip till it meets the other two folds.

Then you flip it over and fold the unfolded side.

Then you fold a small piece of that, it becomes the nose so don't make it too large.

Then you take the next piece of paper and fold it in half.

Then you fold the one side so it meets the crease.

Same with the other side so it looks sort of like a kite.

Then you fold it in half again, and turn it just like I did in the picture.

Then you fold the tip.

Ten, you have to do a squash fold, you can find the instructions for it on the website, but I will try to explain it as good as I can. Here you take the the folded piece (aka the tail) and pull on it.

Then you fold it again!

You take the tip and fold it upwards.

Then you do a sort of pull, and put it behind the cat's body.

Finally, you tape the head and body together and you can decorate the cat's face however you want.

Waiting for Mausi's verdict...

She approves!
I hope the instructions help a bit! If not then you can just click the link. I hope you have fun making it!
Question of the Day!
Do you like to put cats in your works of art? If so which ones? Were my instructions easy to understand or were they an uncrackable code?
Please comment and follow me and my cats!