Hello! It has been ages since I have posted last. I am very sorry about this! High school life is insane esp. for newcomers. Plus I had exam week last week so there was a lot to study for. But I told myself that I must soon write or else this would be a very lifeless blog! So all of you know haloween is just around the corner and it is going to be great! I have the perfect costume (I won't spill the beans yet) and I am trying to find a costume for Mausi. She is so cute! Right now she is on the other end of the bed with her paws in front of her face! Since fall is approaching fast (yes even in Texas) my friends decided to have one last pool party...
Here is Zille sitting around waiting for the others to show.

Here is Mausi, she likes to drink pool water but I always scold her. She would be a very sour pussy if she fell in.
Mausi here pauses and stares deeply into the water by solemnly thinking about the curruption of our government-or maybe she is just thinking about cat treats either way it is very important.
Zille tries to attack my foot as it flails helplessly in the wind!
Daddycat is my knight in shining armor he will come to the rescue! He will stop Zille from attacking me!
Or not....
Here's Lucky!
Ok well that is all for today, but I want to try something new out on the blog. I will show you an example of what I want to do and you will tell me wheter I should try out more or stop trying to change the color of my cats' fur.
Question of the Day!
Do you think it would be fun to do a blog on colorful pets? Tell me in the comment section!