Hello cat ladies and all concerning parties.
I have very grim news for you. Yesterday I have lost my Dsi. Now you may not think this is very important and you may wonder why I bring this up, but here is the reason. ALL my cat photos are on this Dsi, plus it is the only way I can transfer pics to the computer. It does not feel the same to blog when I have none of my cat photos to go with it. Do not fear I will find it if it is the last thing I do! I will search do it dark and night, day and light! Mark my words I shall find it! Until then goodbye and wish me luck! Do not worry I will talk about cats and find cat related videos to please the soul, and the clowns....
Question of the Day!
Where do you think my camera would be?
Cat Quote of the Week
"A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does
stand on two legs."- Sarah Thompson
stand on two legs."- Sarah Thompson
Monday, September 26, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
The Adventures of Mausi! Vol.4
Mausi loves technology! She helps out everyday when it comes to homework. She makes sure all our papers are safe to sleep on and she keeps them nice and warm for us! She is always gentle with computers and only put a dainty paw on the keyboard she never fusses or gets impatient with technology! She is a loveable cat!
Question of the Day!
Does your cat "help" with your homework or "use" the computer? Tell me all about it!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
You Must Love Cats- Clip 1
This is a new section I added. It is the Must Love Cats clip of the week! Sorry I am terribly busy today so I can not post about my cats. Do not worry my cat posts on my cat shall come on the weekends! I just wanted to put something up for your enjoyment. Remember a cat thought a day keeps the clowns at bay! This is posted on youtube by animal planet.
This cat is so cute! I wish I was the host of this show!
Question of the day!
Would you get a camera for your cat? If not why?
Monday, September 19, 2011
Time Travel!
I have travelled in time and brought with me this video of my future self!
I have crazy cat lady fever! I also got an even more annoying voice!
Question of the Day!
Who do you think you will be in the future, a clown perhaps?
P.S. Video called Eharmony Video bio, not actually mine....
I have crazy cat lady fever! I also got an even more annoying voice!
Question of the Day!
Who do you think you will be in the future, a clown perhaps?
P.S. Video called Eharmony Video bio, not actually mine....
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The Adventures of Mausi! Vol.3
Question of the Day!
What is your cat scared of? What do they do when they are scared?
I know that whenever Daddycat hears the vaccum he either waddles quickly upstairs or hides behind the couch.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
The Adventures of Mausi! Vol.2
Mausi costume day! Here is Mausi strutting her stuff in outfits. Don't worry no animals were harmed in the making of these photos. Taking photos of cats is a great way to spend your Friday nights! :) You should try it!
We have a real super star here! She could be in films and commercials! She is the next Sophie Loren!
Mausi has come back to get revenge on me!!! She did not like having to wear costumes! Don't go into the light Mausi!
Question of the Day!
Have you ever dressed up your cat before? If so what did you put him/her in?
Friday, September 16, 2011
The Mausi Rescue Mission
This morning it was raining at my house, hard. This morning my cute cat Mausi was outside, right before it started to rain hard. My mom at first did not want me to go outside she says I always worry to much over the cats, but that is just what I do. Parents worry over their kids so why can't cat ladies worry over their cats? So after breakfast I got out two tin pans, which are used for cat treats, I went out side and started to clang them together calling for Mausi. They know that if they hear the pots that they will get a treat. So finally I found her! Under the deck, I grabbed her and ran inside! I have saved my precious Mausi!
Here is Mausi in Lucky's bed. All the cats love to go in his bed. Old Lucly can't defend himself so he has to wait until her royal highness is done sleeping. We have several different cat baskets in the house but it just isn't the same as the dog's bed...
Here is a picture of the book I am reading right now. I love cat books esecially the mystery ones! This one is particularly good.
Here is Lucky waiting for a treat. He had to wear a towel for a bit because he got wet by the sprinklers last night.
Question of the Day!
Have you ever had to rescue your cat from danger is so when and how?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The Adventures of Daddycat! Vol. 1
Hi again it is I the Cat Lady here to bring you news from Daddycat. Ok here's the story, when we let our cats outside Mausi and Zille go which way and that, esp. Zille who will go into other neighborhoods. But cute little Daddycat would always stay in the fenced in back yard, he was abused on the streets when he was younger and it still brings me to tears to think about it. But today he was unleashed and actually went into the front yard with me. Here are some pics:
Here is Daddycat by the door, investigating.
Here he is investigating some more, he was scared at first because he thought the hose was a large python that ate fat little kitties like him...
Here is Daddycat by the door, investigating.
Question of the day!
Do you let your cats outside and if so for how long and where do they usually stay?
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Adventures of Mausi! Vol. 1
The Question of the day!
Has your cat ever sat on your things while you try to work and if so what do you do about it? I am usually a push over when it comes to that kind of stuff.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Cat Pens and Angry Squirrels
Now I should tell you what I got at the mall yesterday. My friend and I were searching hard for cat stuff but we could not find any for the first two hours. We went through pricey shops looking and scavenging for cat stuff but alas to no avail. Finally when we were just leaving an over priced kid's store we saw a shop. It looked like a magical shop full of mystic beings. So we went in and I saw cat stautes galore!!! They had Egyptian cat statues, and Cat Jars and even a cat bird house. But when I got out I had bought one thing, a cat pen. I know, you must be shocked at this. You might be saying "Sarah, you went to a cat store and ONLY bought a pen?". A lot of it was expensive and I didn't want to have anything break in my bag, so I did what normal people do and I bought a hand carved cat pen. And guess what? The arms move! With the blog I have a pic of the pen for you enjoyment. Next on the list is Mausi and the squirrel of doom! Well, when I was going outside to let Zille in, I saw in one of the trees a scary squirrel who wouldn't shut up. So I did what all cat ladies do and I opened the upstairs bathroom window and let Mausi investigate. She was to my surprise, very disinterested. She looked at the squirrel for a bit but was more into getting pet by me thenn to listening to a squirrel chatter. I also put a pic of her on here, in the pic she is surveying her territory. Now it is the question of the day. Have you ever bought cat stuff for yourself at the mall and if so what was it?
Saturday, September 10, 2011
9/11 A Day of Rememberance
9/11 is a day in American history that will never be forgotten. On September 11,2001 our nation was attacked. But, there was hope. In the dark there was a light and the light shone from a persian cat who was rescued from the debris of the twin towers, after eighteen days of being stuck in the rubble of an apartment that was close to the towers. She survived , she is a symbol of our nation and shows that no matter what happens we will get through it as a nation. I would not only like to thank the rescuers, firefighters, policemen, and volunteers who helped save lives that would have been lost, but I would also like to thank the rescue dogs who helped sniff people out. God bless the victims of this attack, and God bless America!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Hip hip hooray!

Thursday, September 8, 2011
Silly Zille!
Today I have major Zille updates!This morning little stinker Zille got a poor bird, and he always eats his kill, even in Colorado he did that. Also today mom gave my sister and I some old photo albums and one of the pictures was my sis holding Zille when he was really young it was sooo adorable!
Also in the cat album it had pics of Mausi and Daddycat. Mausi had a much thinner face, and Daddycat was a lean mean grinding machine! Also it had pics of my two deceased cats, Garfield and Fritzi. They were so sweet and I still love them a lot! Anyway I can't put much else today, I have an exam and a quiz to study for! Also I have a ton of homework! Ugh, I wish all the teachers would converse and talk about when teachers could give homework, but alas that is extremely unlikely, well bye for now!
Also tomorrow I think I will wear my pink crazy cat lady shirt! Also the question of the day, has your cat eaten anything unpleasent before? Please leave a comment and tell me what it was!
Zille's pic is on here!
Also tomorrow I think I will wear my pink crazy cat lady shirt! Also the question of the day, has your cat eaten anything unpleasent before? Please leave a comment and tell me what it was!
Zille's pic is on here!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Cat Monolgue!
Today I performed my wonderfully, wonderful cat monologue! It is great fun and everyone in my class loved it. It was about a girl throwing a birthday party for her cat! But the audience doesn't know that the person the girl is throwing a surprise birthday party for is actually a cat, until the end.I was very happy and I got to wear a birthday hat, and I got to bring a stuffed animal cat to school for my monologue. The other monologues they did today were great, but they were all dark. Two of them ended in suicide and the other was about a crazy boyfriend. They were really good though, and I almost started to cry. I remember in seventh grade I made up a monologue for theatre about a girl who threw her baby in the ocean... I was a bit morbid back then don't you think?
Also I have a Mausi update! Today when I was checking mail, Mausi came outside with me and started to roll in the dirt! She was so adorable! I pet her for a bit to rub the dirt off but she just kept rubbing some more. Sadly I had to leave her to give my mother the mail and return to my evil homework, which I should be doing right now... Why do I even need to learn about agriculture? Anyway if anyone does read this, please write down in the comment section if you have ever written or done a monologue and tell me what it was about. Thanks!

Monday, September 5, 2011
Hello Cat Lovers of the World,
It is I the noble and well known cat lady. I know, I know I am being modest but what do you expect when you staff to your beloved cats all day? Anyway. I have three wonderful cats and one sweet, old dog. My cats are Mausi, Daddycat, and Zille. They are so sweet and cuddly. My dog is named Lucky.
Mausi: She is the only female cat, but she is the alpha cat. She loves taking naps and guarding her space from the others and running up trees like a spaz when she feels like it. She usually sleeps in my room, obviously it is now her room, Mausi is generous enough to allow me to sleep and work in here.
Daddycat: He is a fat old guy with only a few teeth left to spare. He is so sweet and gets jealous if you are petting and giving the dog attention and not him. He is super soft and cuddly and loves getting his belly rubbed. He is very vocal. His territory is the couch and table.
Zille: He is the little baby in the family. He whines when he wants something and won't stop until you give it to him. He is the youngest and has fortunately never had to live on the streets like his parents. His territory is my sister's room.
Lucky: He is deaf, old, and stinky, but he is my deaf, old, and stinky dog! I love him, he is sweet and can be very funny.
Me: I love all creatures but I am especially soft for cats. I also love korean dramas. My fav. is Boys over Flowers. I love learning new things and exploring. Well that is all for now. Bye!
Well there you have it. Information about my family! I myself love cats and korean dramas. Please feel free to leave comments I would love to here from all of you!
P.S. The picture is of Mausi.
It is I the noble and well known cat lady. I know, I know I am being modest but what do you expect when you staff to your beloved cats all day? Anyway. I have three wonderful cats and one sweet, old dog. My cats are Mausi, Daddycat, and Zille. They are so sweet and cuddly. My dog is named Lucky.
Daddycat: He is a fat old guy with only a few teeth left to spare. He is so sweet and gets jealous if you are petting and giving the dog attention and not him. He is super soft and cuddly and loves getting his belly rubbed. He is very vocal. His territory is the couch and table.
Zille: He is the little baby in the family. He whines when he wants something and won't stop until you give it to him. He is the youngest and has fortunately never had to live on the streets like his parents. His territory is my sister's room.
Lucky: He is deaf, old, and stinky, but he is my deaf, old, and stinky dog! I love him, he is sweet and can be very funny.
Me: I love all creatures but I am especially soft for cats. I also love korean dramas. My fav. is Boys over Flowers. I love learning new things and exploring. Well that is all for now. Bye!
Well there you have it. Information about my family! I myself love cats and korean dramas. Please feel free to leave comments I would love to here from all of you!
P.S. The picture is of Mausi.
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